Holder of a Master 1 Degree in French as a Foreign Language after a Bachelor’s Degree in English literature, Jennifer has been teaching in the US (Pittsburgh), Indonesia (Bandung) and France (Tours) for the past ten years. She started working at  Alliance Française  de Singapour in 2009, teaching adults, children and corporate classes. She is particularly fond of photography, arts, music, history, culture and linguistics.


Holder of a Master 2 Degree in French Language, Educative Cooperation and Cross-cultural Relations from Lyon 2 University after History and Geography studies, Etienne began his teaching career at Alliance Française de Lyon in 1998, before joining Alliance Française de Singapour in 2005. Eclectic, he is experienced in literature, Asian cultures, journalism, photography, arts, movie reviews and writing.


French born Benoît has been working for Alliance  Française de Singapour for more than ten years. Graduated in French as a Foreign Language, he teaches classes from Beginner to Advanced students, either adults or children. He has taught in MOELC for a few years as well as in an international school. He is also teaching now at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and NTU.


Graduated from Essec Business School in 1992, Pierre holds a Masters 2 degree from Grenoble 3 Stendhal University (2015). He has been teaching French for more than ten years including eight at Alliance Française de Singapour. He teaches adults and children in group or private classes. He regularly teaches gastronomy classes sharing his love for good French food and wines.

Emmanuel GOURAUD

Holding  Master 1 Degree  in French as a Foreign Language, Emmanuel has been teaching in Singapore for the past eighteen years. He teaches adults and children, general French classes as well as conversation and grammar classes.


Holding  Master 1 Degree in  French as a Foreign Language, Vincent has been working at Alliance Française de Singapour since 2007 after teaching in Thailand. In addition to regular classes at all levels and out-tuition for companies, he handles French for Business classes and preparation courses for DELF/DALF exams.

Virginie GUYOTON

Originally from Paris, Virginie has been teaching at Alliance Française de Singapour since January 2019. After obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Social and Economics and a Master’s Degree in Education, she passed the competitive examination to be recruited as a teacher within the French Civil Service. She worked as incumbent teacher with pupils from 3 to 11 years old, as well as special education teacher for children with disabilities. Her pedagogical skills make her a specialized teacher in teenagers, children and toddlers classes.

Guillaume HAMELIN

Originally from Nantes, Guillaume has been working at Alliance Française de Singapour since 2009. He previously taught in China (Shenzhen, Wuhan) and in Slovakia. He holds a Master 2 Degree in French as a Foreign Language and teaches children, adults, in group or private classes.

Florence HELIARD

After a Master's Degree in Law and a career in HR management in France, Florence moved to London and worked as a French teacher to share her love for her mother tongue and native culture. She then arrived in Singapore in 2009, where she joined Temasek Polytechnic as a Subject Leader and Lecturer, teaching French and cross-cultural communication. Since April 2018, she has been enjoying teaching the French language and culture to her students at all levels, at Alliance Française de Singapour.


Holding a Master’s Degree in teaching French as a Foreign Language, Adeline has been teaching French to children, teenagers, and adults for 10 years: in Ukraine, France and Belgium. She started to work at Alliance Française de Singapour in 2019 and teaches professionals as well as teenagers and children, at all levels. She is very enthusiastic and enjoys dance and theatre.

Valérie LEFAIX

Originated from Normandie, Valérie has lived in Scotland and Australia before landing in Singapore in 2000. Since then, she has been living and teaching in the city that she now considers as second home. Before joining Alliance Française de Singapore in 2016, Valérie has worked for a great variety of public and in various institutions, including German European School, the Culinary Institute of America, INSEAD business school and NUS.

Nathalie LEFORT

Nathalie has lived in Asia for the past 15 years and started her career as a teacher developing a programme for disadvantage and out-of-school children for an Indian NGO. This experience triggered a desire to go further and Nathalie passed with honours the Diploma to teach French as a Foreign Language. Nathalie wants life to be fun and simple and she applies these principles to teach French to children as well as adults. She believes in the process of learning with joy.

Martine MARIE

Holder of a First Class Honours Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and Management from Northumbria University, Newcastle and Graduated as a French Foreign Language Teacher from Alliance Française de Paris, Martine has been teaching at  Alliance Française  de Singapour since January 2012, to adults and children. She lived across different continents in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia and developed great cross-cultural capacities.


Janet has been teaching at Alliance Française de Singapour for the past twenty years and graduated in teaching French as a Foreign Language in France. She also works in Singaporean universities. At Alliance Francaise de Singapour, she teaches adult students, in group and private classes.

Evelyne PELLY

Evelyne started to teach at Alliance Française in Nigeria, in the late 1970s. She graduated from La Sorbonne, Paris, in Linguistics, Literature and Culture. She obtained degrees from the Paris Franco-British Chamber of Commerce which offered an opportunity to move in the world of Commerce and Tourism and to teach adults in those areas. She started to work at Alliance Française de Singapour in 2013 and teaches adults and children. 

Bernadette PLICH

Holding a BA in English from Paris VIII University and  Master 1 Degree  in French as a Foreign Language from Grenoble 3 University, Bernadette has been teaching at Alliance Française de Singapour since 1999. She previously worked in Jakarta both at the French Cultural Centre and the French International School, as well as in Paris. In Singapore, she also teaches French at NTU and NUS.

Christophe POIRIER

Christophe first graduated in Visual Arts in 1989 (Bachelor’s Degree) and then in French as a Foreign Language in 2003 (Bachelor Honours). He has been teaching at Alliance Française de Singapour since then. He previously taught in France and China and currently conducts phonetics classes, oral and written expression classes as well as general French classes for adults and children.


After graduating from the Alliance Française de Paris in French as a Foreign Language, Sushma has worked for Alliance Française de Bombay (Mumbai) before joining Alliance Française de Singapour in 2001. Sushma teaches toddlers, kids, teens and adults at all levels.


Born Canadian, Isabelle first studied Biology at a very high level and worked as a biologist but also acquired a great experience in teaching either French or English in Vancouver, Montreal, Bordeaux and now Singapore. Isabelle teaches either to children or adults.


Nicolas holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English, a Degree to teach French as a Foreign Language and a Master’s Degree in Linguistics. After qualifying as a certified teacher, he taught English in various secondary schools in Reims, France. Following that, he also worked as a sales administrator to obtain more professional experience. He now teaches teenagers and adults, in group or private classes, at Alliance Française de Singapour.


Holding a Bachelor's Degree of Early Childhood Studies (Monash University, Melbourne), Shenaz teaches children (bilingual classes), teenagers and adults. During the years she has worked at Alliance Francaise de Singapour, she has gained a tremendous experience working with all kinds of public and levels.


Addie Tan

Addie has been designing and conducting service language training programmes for the hospitality industry in the past 15 years. Apart from her professional discipline in applied linguistics as well as qualification in translation and interpretation, she has cross-cultural work experience locally and abroad as well as an excellent working knowledge of the service industry. She speaks English, Mandarin and French.


Shaheen SHIVJI 


YI Sunyoung (Daniella)